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Sayyida Salme
in Our Time
How she speaks to us today
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Andrea Emily Stumpf
4 min read
Turning to Turn-of-the-19th-Century Syria
A month ago, I was nearing publication of The Centennial Collection , the third in my series on Sayyida Salme’s life and writings. I had...
Andrea Emily Stumpf
5 min read
The Race We Are In
We are in the aftermath. It is probably too soon to say much of anything, as we take in the complexity, and before the consequences have...
Andrea Emily Stumpf
6 min read
Who remembers human zoos?
Othering: The act of putting people down on the basis of defined or perceived characteristics. Human zoos: The act of putting people on...
Andrea Emily Stumpf
6 min read
An Insta Triple Talaq
All’s well that ends well – and so we might breathe a sigh of relief with Sheikha Mahra’s latest post: Dear Father, [1] Thank you for...
Andrea Emily Stumpf
5 min read
A Woman's Power of the Purse
Among the culture shocks experienced by Sayyida Salme when she left Zanzibar for Germany was the loss of financial agency. She may not...
Andrea Emily Stumpf
5 min read
Free to Have a Good Life
“Freedom” is a watchword these days, as it was in Sayyida Salme’s time. The word gets bandied about so much – as a rallying cry,...
Andrea Emily Stumpf
4 min read
When Death Comes
Death comes to all of us until our own death arrives. Death is a fact of life, as we live a lifetime of family and friends that we lose....
Andrea Emily Stumpf
5 min read
Women's History Month
March is Women’s History month in the United States, coinciding with International Women’s Day on March 8. As a time to highlight women’s...
Andrea Emily Stumpf
4 min read
Rescuing Her Voice
Sayyida Salme took a monumental step when she became Emily Ruete at the age of twenty-two in 1867, shattering rules, traditions, and...
Andrea Emily Stumpf
3 min read
Prosit Neujahr!
A new year is upon us – at least the Western new year, as a matter of convention. Other new years start at different times of year. The...
Andrea Emily Stumpf
3 min read
The Liminal In-Between
This time of year - between the years - makes me think of all that Sayyida Salme lived between. I am writing this first blog post...
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