In addition to her published Memoirs, Sayyida Salme left behind other written accounts of her experiences and impressions. Among them was what she called Briefe nach der Heimat, or "letters to the homeland." Addressed to an anonymous good friend, the manuscript took the form of a long essay, rather than a series of letters. Never published in her lifetime, it first appeared in Emeri van Donzel's comprehensive academic tome, translated into English (1993). Not long after, it came out in Heinz Schneppen's compact volume, in the original German, with his commentary (1999).
For the first time, this account is now available in an easy-to-read, easily accessible, highly accurate translation.
As a sequel to the Memoirs, Letters to the Homeland continues the story of the author's extraordinary life, particularly her challenges as an Oriental/Arab woman raising three children in Germany on her own. Only after reading Letters to the Homeland does the full scale of the author's convictions and commitment become apparent.